Library and Information Science Student Organization (LISSO)
University of Kentucky
Meeting Minutes: April 4, 2013
Officers present: Justin Conder, Mercedes Hopewell, Jessica Herrington, Daniel Ness, Kacey Kelm, Leann Combs
Total present: 6 Call to open: 5:00pm EST
An agenda was distributed to those present.
New Officers:
LISSO was pleased to welcome our newest officer, Leann Combs, who will be taking on the Vice President position, from graduating officer, Mercedes Hopewell. LISSO is still in need of a secretary for next year. Kacey Kelm will hold the position temporarily until a new officer has been elected to replace graduating officer, Jessica Herrington. We would like to thank all of our departing officers for their work over the past semesters.
LISSO is in the final week for T-shirt sales this year. The deadline to place orders is April 8th. Daniel will be sending out a reminder to the listserv.
New Advisor:
We are pleased to welcome our new advisor, Dr. Shannon Oltmann, who will be taking over for Dr. Wade Bishop. LISSO will be hosting a short meet’n’greet on Tuesday, April 9th at 5 pm EST as an introduction for SLIS students. Refreshments will be available in the McConnell Center.
Future Improvements:
Justin has mentioned the need for future improvements to LISSO student interactions, especially how to better address and involve distance students. This is an issue that will need further discussion with other SLIS organization presidents, as well.
Upcoming Events:
Our final event of the year will be the Graduation Cookout on Saturday, April 27th. LISSO will be providing the hot dogs and veggie dogs. Guests will be asked to RSVP for the event, and to bring side dishes for the potluck. The cookout is to be hosted at Dr. Lisa O’Connor’s house, and is scheduled to begin at 6 pm EST.
This has been the final meeting for the semester. Regular meetings will resume next Fall.
Call to close: 5:15pm EST
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