Friday, November 30, 2007

Next LISSO Meeting

Just a reminder that the next LISSO meeting will be Monday December 3rd in the CAIT Lab at 5:00 PM.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

LISSO November Social Outing

Hey SLIS'ers!

It's that time of the month again - what everyone looks forward to - LISSO Social Outing!

Last month we had talked about possibly going bowling. We even made some reservations at Southland Bowling Lanes. However, if you've watched the news in the past month, you know that sadly, Southland Bowling Lanes caught fire, thus ending our's - and the rest of Lexvegas' - Friday evening plans!!!

Alas, another great, FREE event came to the rescue. This month marks the reappearance of the beloved Gallery Hop in downtown Lexington. If you've never been to one, now is your time! Free art, free wine (if you get to the venues early), and - if we visit a lot of galleries - free exercise! Not to mention hanging out with only the coolest grad students UK has to offer!

Also, what a great way to de-stress from comps!?!

Here's the details:

(1ST Floor - to the right of LPL entrance)
PRICE: FREE (w/exception of personal drinks later on in the evening)

We will meet at LPL as a starting point, from 5:00-5:30, to collect maps of the other venues in town. We will also at this point decide where to go for food and drinks. As last time, LISSO will provide a few appetizers. We were planning on meeting first at Annabelle's, but it closed too! However, the town will be "hoppin'", so I'm sure we will have no trouble finding somewhere to go.

In the mean time, have a great week, good luck to those taking comps, and hope to see everyone on Friday!

~Krista King
LISSO Secretary

Monday, November 12, 2007

Monthly Meeting Tonight 11/12/07 in the CAIT

Don't forget the monthly meeting tonight in the CAIT lab at 5:00 PM.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Comps Orientation Video Access

The presentation given by Dr. Sineath on the 29th was taped and made accessible via two means: DVD and downloaded video in the CAIT lab. Unfortunately, contrary to several attempts, the sound quality was not sufficient for compressed video blog posting.
Here are your viewing options:
  • 3 DVD copies are available for check-out in the CAIT lab (located in the Comps Study Materials black box). There is a sign-out and return sheet (by the door) that is handled via the honor system - so be nice and return your viewed copy promptly.
  • 2 computers in the CAIT lab have the original raw version downloaded to the desktop. The two computers selected (L2 and L8) have speakers attached but for personal viewing, feel free to bring along some ear phones.
  • For those of you in Cincy or Louisville and you ABSOLUTELY CANNOT get to the CAIT before comps, e-mail me off-list and LISSO will send you a DVD copy of the orientation with the understanding that you deposit the DVD copy sent to you back into the CAIT lab on the morning of the exam so the DVDs may be used for next semester.

One note about the video: due to background air equipment, the sound will need to be relatively high and one question about illness was left out of the taping. Answer: If you are ill and cannot make the test, you must wait until the next semester to re-schedule; no make-up exams are given.

LISSO sends a big thanks to Krista, Jennifer and Sara for bringing snacks and another big thank you to Jennifer Mattern for arranging our Niles Gallery location and exploring video options.
