Friday, December 13, 2013

Dec. 2013 LISSO Meeting

I (LeAnn, secretary) was sick this meeting however Daniel passed the information along.
In December it was tossed around to visit the Newport Aquarium however due to horrible weather, and finals week which has yet again appeared too suddenly, it has been postponed until next semester.
Tuesday night Dec. 17th at 7 p.m. we will have another one of our popular pizza nights at Pazzo's so don't feel shy, come on by for a quick visit or a long discussion. We always make room at the table (or booth)!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Pazzo's update- additional date Nov. 19th

Hey fellow SLIS students!

Yesterday we had a very successful night at Pazzo's Pizza Pub where we got together to talk and unwind after a very exhausting Monday. If you missed it, we will have another one next Tuesday the 19th at 7 p.m., so make sure you can make it!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Nov. 7, 2013 LISSO Meeting

In our monthly LISSO meeting we discussed possible events to promote. As well as welcoming another new officer to the club (Tyler Nix as Treasurer).
  • Monday Nov. 11th we will have a Pint Night at Pazzo's (at the intersection of Limestone and Ave. of Champions) from 7-9 p.m.
  • Saturday Nov. 23rd will be our semester bowling night at Southland from 7-10 p.m.
Be on the look out for Facebook events, and be sure to say if you're coming or not to be able to know how many lanes to reserve.

Next on the agenda was ideas for a fundraiser. Some ideas included bake sales, alternative merchandise to t-shirts (bags, cups, etc.)

In December, which will be a pretty short and busy month for SLIS students we decided on a trip north to the Newport Aquarium on Saturday Dec. 14th. Details to follow.

  • Officers: Daniel, LeAnn, Carly and Tyler
  • Adviser: Dr. Oltmann
  • Others: 1

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Oct. 2, 2013 LISSO Meeting

Our second meeting was help on October the 2nd in the third floor conference room in Little Library. We discussed possible October events and came up with a full schedule of possible group outings:

  • Oct. 11th to Keeneland
  • Oct. 13th to the Renaissance Festival
  • Oct. 19th to West Sixth
  • Oct. 26th to watch the Zombie Walk
We also set our next meeting to be scheduled for Nov. 7th and some possible events already in discussion are for the use of the Cat's Den during a week night, and also an Oral History/brunch event held by the Lexington Public Library.

Our search for a club treasurer continues onward.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Come grab a pint on Friday!

On Friday, 9/13, come join your fellow SLIS students as we unwind after the first full week!  We'll be getting together at a local microbrewery, County Boy, around 8:00 pm.   No need to RSVP!

For more info about Country Boy, check out their Facebook page:

They have a great variety of styles on tap, and they don't mind outside food.  They're just a few blocks from campus at 436 Chair Avenue.

Friday, August 23, 2013

First meeting: Thursday, September 5, 5:00 pm - Little Library

Our first meeting of the semester was in the Little Library at 5:00 pm on the second Thursday of classes, September 5 in the Niles Gallery. We discussed possible Fall outings, deciding on a trip to Country Boy for our September event as a casual way to unwind and get to know each other.
 We decided our second meeting will be on Oct. 1st at 5 p.m., also in the Niles Gallery. It was pointed out that some students can only come on certain days, so meetings will alternate on Tuesdays and Thursdays to allow a greater number of students to be a part of LISSO. Our October event is a tentative Oct. 13th trip to Harveysburg for the Ohio Renaissance Festival in conjunction with UK's ALA group. Please check it out in the Student Commons on blackboard if you're interesting in joining us and hitching a ride along!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

It's almost time!

Greetings, new and returning students!  We're shaking off the dust and preparing for the fall semester.  If you're stopping by here after hearing about us at the orientation, please keep this site in mind.  We'll be organizing a variety of outings throughout the next few months, like bowling, movies, local festivals, and other events that catch our interest.  Our first meeting will be in a few weeks, and we have officer vacancies, so drop us a line if you want to get involved! (

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Library and Information Science Student Organization (LISSO)

University of Kentucky

Meeting Minutes: April 4, 2013

Officers present: Justin Conder, Mercedes Hopewell, Jessica Herrington, Daniel Ness, Kacey Kelm, Leann Combs
Total present: 6
Call to open: 5:00pm EST
An agenda was distributed to those present.

New Officers:
LISSO was pleased to welcome our newest officer, Leann Combs, who will be taking on the Vice President position, from graduating officer, Mercedes Hopewell. LISSO is still in need of a secretary for next year. Kacey Kelm will hold the position temporarily until a new officer has been elected to replace graduating officer, Jessica Herrington. We would like to thank all of our departing officers for their work over the past semesters.

LISSO is in the final week for T-shirt sales this year. The deadline to place orders is April 8th. Daniel will be sending out a reminder to the listserv.

New Advisor:
We are pleased to welcome our new advisor, Dr. Shannon Oltmann, who will be taking over for Dr. Wade Bishop. LISSO will be hosting a short meet’n’greet on Tuesday, April 9th at 5 pm EST as an introduction for SLIS students. Refreshments will be available in the McConnell Center.

Future Improvements:
Justin has mentioned the need for future improvements to LISSO student interactions, especially how to better address and involve distance students. This is an issue that will need further discussion with other SLIS organization presidents, as well.

Upcoming Events:
Our final event of the year will be the Graduation Cookout on Saturday, April 27th. LISSO will be providing the hot dogs and veggie dogs. Guests will be asked to RSVP for the event, and to bring side dishes for the potluck. The cookout is to be hosted at Dr. Lisa O’Connor’s house, and is scheduled to begin at 6 pm EST.

This has been the final meeting for the semester. Regular meetings will resume next Fall.

Call to close: 5:15pm EST

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Library and Information Science Student Organization (LISSO)
University of Kentucky

Meeting Minutes: March 7, 2013

Officers present: Justin Conder, Mercedes Hopewell, Jessica Herrington, Kacey Kelm, Daniel Ness, Desiree Perry
Total present: 6
Call to open: 5:10pm EST

There was no agenda distributed for this meeting.

New Faculty Advisor:
With the recent news that Dr. Bishop will be leaving the employment of UK this semester, LISSO is currently without a faculty advisor, which is necessary to remain in good standing with UK. In an effort to find a replacement, most officers will be attending the beginning of the SLIS faculty meeting on March 8, 2013 at 9:30 am EST. Justin will not be attending because of a previous professional obligation.

Daniel will be our main speaker, as we will only have around 5 minutes to make our argument to the faculty. Several points we wish to highlight include the unique social purpose of LISSO, our consistent numbers of attendees at planned events, and the benefit of having university status, which allows us to use university resources and space.

With recent concerns over faculty representation, the T-shirt contest has been postponed. Our new deadline for design submissions will be March 20th, the Wednesday immediately following Spring Break. Voting will then open for the following week, until March 27th.

There will be a small LISSO officers meeting on March 18th, following Spring Break, in order to check the online store setup and format, as well as finalize details for ordering.

Upcoming Events:
Our event this month will be bowling and karaoke on March 22nd, beginning at 7pm EST. We are hoping to heavily promote the event through email, while simplifying the RSVP count into a single button if attending. We plan to reserve 2 or 3 lanes for those wishing to bowl, but would like a estimated count of the numbers to expect. Advertising will also emphasize that the event will be the Friday immediately following the portfolio deadline for those graduating this May.

SLIS will be planning a group travel to the 2013 KPLA Conference on April 8-10, 2013. Mercedes is the current organizer and will be available to car-pool those who may need rides. This would be an excellent chance for students gain conference experience within a structured group, and the group even plans to eat lunch together during each of the conference days, in order to discuss conference topics and experiences. Registration for the conference is $45 for students. Please join the Facebook group ( for further details.

The Spring Graduation Cookout is currently being planned and Dr. O’Connor is being contacted about possible dates toward the end of April. A “save the date” email will be sent out once a day and time have been confirmed, with additional information to be sent out later.

Since the cookout is likely to be moved into April, rather than in May as originally planned, it was proposed that we plan another event for May, such as an outdoors excursion or another Pazzo’s outing. This would be set for after finals. There will be further discussion in later meetings.

Faculty Meeting Representatives:
As a reminder, the LISSO representatives for remaining Faculty Meetings during the Spring semester are:
April 5: Jessica
May 3: Daniel

The next LISSO meeting will be April 4th at 5:00 pm EST in the McConnell Center, on the 3rd floor of Little Library.

Call to close: 5:55pm EST


UK SLIS Faculty Meeting

March 8, 2013

LISSO Representative: Jessica Herrington

LISSO officers asked that any interested faculty contact them about the available faculty advisor position.

There are currently 205 returning or entering students for Fall 2013, as well as 51 additional applications in progress.

The new Student Affairs Coordinator will begin work on Monday.

Faculty raised several concerns about graduation portfolio guidelines and policies. It was suggested they add more explanation to the list of suggested artifacts for the exiting portfolio, including substitutions from alternative course structures in past years.

Current and future students will be made aware that they should keep separate copies of all portfolio artifacts throughout the program in preparation for the exiting portfolio. Core course syllabi should remind students to keep their relevant files for future portfolio use. Old Blackboard shells can be resurrected at later dates, but the process can be very long and difficult, especially when instructors leave the employ of UK.

Another concern for faculty advisors was that students need to submit completed drafts of their portfolio pieces for honest and effective feedback. Notes and incomplete drafts are difficult to respond to.

A final issue is graduating students who are taking a core course during their final semester, which often means they are missing one or several artifacts from those courses. It has been decided that beginning Spring 2014, students will no longer be allowed to graduate with an exiting portfolio in the same semester in which they are taking a core course. Students graduating in December of 2013 will be the last group allowed to do so.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Library and Information Science Student Organization (LISSO)
University of Kentucky
Meeting Minutes: February 7, 2013

Officers present: Justin Conder, Mercedes Hopewell, Jessica Herrington, Daniel Ness, Kacey Kelm, Dr. Wade Bishop
Total present: 7

Call to open: 4:58pm EST

An agenda was distributed to those present.

January Game Night:
January Game Night was deemed a success, as we had two new students join us at the event. It was suggested that they be invited to join the LISSO Facebook page, if they have not already done so. It was also decided that future events will include a sign-in sheet, so that attendees can be more easily communicated with in the future.

T-shirt Contest:
The T-shirt contest will begin this month, as Daniel will send out the first email asking for designs within the next few days. The deadline for new designs will be Friday, March 1st, after which online voting will begin. The best-selling design from last year will be made available again this year, along with the two highest-voted new designs. Officers will be in further communication throughout the month as the submissions and voting begin. The two top designs will receive a free T-shirt.

Upcoming February Event:
After discussing preliminary student responses to the proposed Meet’n’Greet, it was decided to change the February event to a Pazzo’s gathering, followed by the Late Night Film Series Screening of the movie, UP. The event will take place on Thursday, February 28th. Everyone will be invited to join LISSO at Pazzo’s at 7 pm EST. Those interested in attending the film will leave for the screening about 9 pm EST, with the movie to begin at 10 pm EST.
Because the February event is has been changed, it was decided to plan a different event for April. One suggestion was a picnic, to be held at Woodland Park. Further plans will be discussed at future meetings.

Constitutional Changes:
As had been suggested by Dr. Bishop in a previous meeting, the constitution for the organization needed to address the contingency plans in place for officer elections, specifically to deal with vacant positions in the middle of a semester. Justin presented a short statement, granting the President power to begin elections at the start of each month for any open positions. With a few minor suggestions on phrasing, the suggestion was agreed upon. Future revisions will also include some further details on election procedures.

Blackboard Shell:
For the integration of SLIS organizations into a Blackboard shell, Daniel will be in further communication with Susan MacDonell, who is currently responsible for the planning. No details or further information is yet available.

LISSO Newsletter:
Mercedes intends to email Daniel the current draft for editing and completion. Once finished, it will be distributed to SLIS.

Faculty Meeting Representative:
There was some discussion about the future role of the faculty meeting representative from SLIS, specifically concerns about continuity between different representatives and the communication of information between the faculty meetings and general students in SLIS. It was decided that student representatives act as a voice for feedback from the students in issues relating to changes in the program. Information on graduation, classes, and upcoming events will be disseminated as needed to the student body.

Officer Password Check:
Justin asked for information on the passwords and access available to all LISSO officers, so that everyone was able to access the LISSO email and the SLIS Organizations Calendar.

Additional topics that were discussed:
Daniel will be adding information about the McConnell Conference to the LISSO Facebook page. He also suggested creating short profiles of any students presenting posters at the conference.

Dr. Bishop suggested creating some small give-away items for events, as a fun promotion for LISSO. There was some concern that LISSO’s affiliation with UK could create some complications. There was no decision reached at this time.

With the success of the new meeting location, it was decided that all future LISSO meetings would be held in the McConnell Center, located on the 3rd floor of Little Library. The next meeting is scheduled for March 7th at 5 pm EST.

Call to close: 5:45pm EST

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Library and Information Science Student Organization (LISSO)
University of Kentucky
Meeting Minutes: January 12, 2013
Officers present: Justin Conder, Mercedes Hopewell, Jessica Herrington, Kacey Kelm, Daniel Ness
Total present: 5
Call to open: 5:05pm EST

An agenda was distributed to those present.

Introduction & Transition:
Justin has now taken over as President, Kacey as Treasurer, and Daniel as the Communication Officer. Officers introduced themselves and made sure they were able to contact one another. Daniel still needs a copy of all LISSO logins and passwords.

The few remaining shirts will be sold at any upcoming events.

LISSO plans to send out an email asking for new T-shirt designs for this year. The tentative deadline discussed during the meeting was February 13th for submissions. We will intend sell shirts a little earlier than in the previous year, in order to allow graduating students receive their shirts before the end of the semester.

Upcoming Events:
LISSO has decided to continue holding 1 event every month. For January, we have decided to schedule another Board Game Night, which was a popular event last semester. It was decided that the event would be held Friday, January 25th, from 6:00 – 10:00 pm EST. Dr. Reynolds has kindly allowed us use of the McConnell Center for the event. A flyer will be emailed to the listserv with further details.

Further monthly events discussed were:
February: Meet n’ Greet, to be tentatively held in the Niles Gallery
April: Thursday, April 4th, Dinner at Pazzo’s from 7:00 – 9:00 pm EST, followed by attending the Late Night Film Series screening of “The Hobbit” at 10:00 pm EST.
May: annual cookout at Dr. O’Connor’s, though confirmation will be needed before any further plans are made

Faculty Meeting Representatives:
LISSO representatives for Faculty Meetings during the Spring semester are as follows:
February 8: Kacey
March 8: Justin
April 5: Jessica
May 3: Daniel

Suggestions from Dr. Bishop:
Dr. Bishop was not able to attend the meeting, but gave Daniel two topics for discussion.

First, he would like the officers to review the constitution. We will need to formalize contingency plans and election procedures for officer positions. Justin will look over the notes from previous presidencies, and the issue will be further discussed in future communications and meetings.

Second, it has been suggested that LISSO create a Blackboard shell. This would allow the organization to bring all official materials and information, such as minutes, back into the control of UK, rather than being freely available online. LISSO officers were in agreement for creating the Blackboard shell, and Daniel will initiate its creation in the coming weeks.

It was then discussed that LISSO may want to solicit student contributions for content and photos, and make use of various Blackboard features, such as the calendar and automatic enrollment for SLIS students, while also being easily accessed for all students. Also, Blackboard would provide a better student resource for social topics, such as selling textbooks. It was decided that the blog and Facebook will continue to be utilized, but for less official business.

Additional Topics Discussed:
Daniel will be checking with Susan about the January 17th Lunch n’ Learn, and plans to attend on behalf of the current LISSO officers.

Mercedes will give the current draft of the LISSO Newsletter to Daniel, who will finish editing, as well as add in advertisements for the Vice President and Secretary officer positions, which will become available in May.

Justin will be meeting with the other SLIS organization presidents to discuss LISSO’s involvement in the next Unconference. It was decided that LISSO is willing to volunteer as needed for the event.

LISSO officers are also encouraged to become more active on the group’s Facebook page. Officers should try to post more library and book related links throughout the semester.

The next meeting will be February 7th at 5:00 pm EST in the Little Library, Study Room #5.

Call to close: 5:51pm EST

Friday, January 4, 2013


Next week's LISSO meeting on January 10, 2013 at 5:00 PM EST will be changing locations. We will NOT be meeting in the SLIS conference room. Instead, the meeting will be held in Little Library Study Room #5. We will still be meeting at 5:00 PM, only the location has changed.

We hope see people there!