Saturday, November 7, 2009

LISSO End of Semester Events

The 2009 LISSO Halloween Party was a success! Thank you to Maggie for hosting. A great time was had by all who came.

As the semester wraps up, LISSO has a few loose ends to tie up...
Our next LISSO meeting will be held Wednesday, November 11th at 5pm in the student lounge. Please come to this meeting if possible as we will be discussing events for the rest of the semester.

Comps Orientation for this semester's graduating students will be held Friday, November 13 from 4:30-6 in the student lounge. Professor Carrigan will be going over tips and advice, as well as providing us with his extensive management knowledge. We will be taping this event thanks to Will Buntin as he did for Tuesday's Lunch-n-Learn for those that are not in the Lexington area. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to leave a comment or e-mail us at

LISSO Resume Event will be held on Wednesday, November 18 from 11:30-1:30. The first portion of this will feature information from several librarians on resumes and cover letters. Also, please feel free to bring in your own resumes for review if you cannot make the entire segment.

Also, we will be having a DUES DRIVE running through to the Tuesday, November 24 before break. Please give you $5 annual dues to any of your LISSO officers: Amanda Hazenfield, Anne Bradley, Liz Siler, Chris Worland or Lisa Raney. You will then be entered into a raffle for a gift certificate!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

LISSO Halloween Party!

LISSO will be hosting its annual Halloween party on Saturday, October 31 from 8pm-11pm. It will be held at 385 Redding Road (Lighthouse Square Apartments) Lexington, KY 40517 (leave a comment here or e-mail for the apartment number). Please bring a dessert or snack to share, as well as any drinks that you would care to partake in. It is a costume party, so dress up in your Halloween finest. If there are any questions, please be sure to ask!

Also, for anyone interested in new things to do in Lexington this Halloween. There is a reenactment of Michael Jackson's Thriller that is performed in the downtown streets of Lexington and there is a party after, apparently. is the website for more information on this event. It will be held on Friday, October 30 at 8 pm.

October Minutes

LISSO Minutes
Meeting October 14, 2009

Halloween Party
•Party planned for Saturday, October 31st. Place and time to be determined.
•Possibly meeting before party to match the Thriller parade and then going to party from there.
•Look at clubhouse at Anne’s apartment complex to hold party. Details coming soon.
•Bringing food and drinks to the party would be greatly appreciated.
Fridays @ Five and other events
•Friday’s at Five are still going well. Discussing new places to meet ie Drakes, Buddy’s, etc.
•Discussed game nights on Monday nights in the LISSO lounge; bring board games to play
•Looking into trivia at Winchel’s on Thursday nights at 8:00pm.
•Planning events on Saturday’s instead of Fridays to mix things up a bit.
•If you have any other ideas for events please let LISSO know.
Resume Workshop
•Amanda spoke to the previous contact about planning a workshop
•Days considered include Monday or Wednesday from 11:30am – 1:30pm in three to five weeks.
•Format would be one hour for discussion and one hour personal help on resumes.

•Working on talking to professors about doing a comps workshop before comps. Possibly filming the workshop and posting it on the blog.
•In addition to lunch, possibly looking into providing snacks for the break during the test. Looking into options/ locations for the lunch.

•Reminder: Dues for LISSO are $5 for the entire school year.
•Drawing for prize may take place at the Halloween party for those who have paid their dues
•Prizes considered: UK Bookstore gift card, Amazon Gift Card, Startbucks Gift Card
•Also considering an additional drawing for dues paid after the Halloween party.

Faculty Meeting Notes
•UK SLIS is moving more towards online classes.
•Considering work on a student charter for expectations for the online learning environment
•Possibly create a distance learning committee.
•If you have any thoughts on the transition please attend the next LISSO meeting (TBD).
•The computer lab will be getting all new computers which should be installed by the end of the semester.
•The McConnell Center will be moving to the third floor of Little to join the LIS classrooms and offices.
•Fall 2010 UKLIS will be starting the accreditation renewal process.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Early October Update

LISSO continues with its Friday at Five events after a week's hiatus, this time at Joe Bologna's. Joe B's is a wonderful Italian restaurant located just north of campus (117 E Maxwell St, Lexington KY).

For this event, LISSO is asking that you arrive as close to 5 as possible as Joe B's does not take reservations and will not seat our party until everyone is there.

We hope to see you this Friday, October 9 at Five! And also, don't forget about our October Business Meeting which is October 14 at 5:00pm in the SLIS Student Lounge. We can't wait to hear what you have to say!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Upcoming Events

LISSO's first Friday at Five was a success. Our next one will be tomorrow, September 25, at Charlie Brown's. Charlie Brown's is located on E. Euclid between E. High St and Ashland.

LISSO's October business meeting is scheduled for October 14 in the SLIS student lounge. We will be discussing upcoming events including comps and our annual Halloween Party. Hope to see you then!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

LISSO September Meeting Minutes

LISSO Minutes
Meeting September 9, 2009

Dues for LISSO are $5 for the entire school year and help LISSO pay for student events, especially the comps lunch for the students taking comps in the Fall and the Spring. You can give your dues to anyone of the LISSO board members:
o Amanda Hazenfield
o Anne Bradley
o Chris Worland
o Lisa Raney
o Liz Siler
If you pay your dues before October 29, you will be entered into a raffle for a prize (TBD)

LISSO Picnic:
SUNDAY, September 13at Woodland Park from 2:00pm – 5:00pm in the Pavilion area. Let us know if you will be attending and what food or game you would like to bring. Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, and cutlery will be provided by LISSO.

Halloween Party
We are preparing to plan the annual SLIS Halloween party.
Date, time, and location are still being determined. Any suggestions on a location would be greatly appreciated.
There will be a costume contest, and costumes are mandatory.
The raffle for those who have paid their dues will be held at the Halloween Party.

Discussed reinstating the process of having professors who teach core classes speak about topics from their courses that could be covered on the comps exam. More Information to come.
Have decided to have lunch after comps for those taking the test.

Fridays @ Five
Every Friday at 5pm we will meet at a different location in Lexington.
Friday, September 18 at 5pm we will be meeting at Lynaugh’s. More Information to come. Other possibilities discussed: Gallery Crawl, Charlie Browns, Joseph Beth’s Bookstore Cafe.
Please let us know if you have any other ideas on places to meet.

Other Upcoming Event Possibilities
Keeneland Library and/or races.
Resume Workshops
Let us know your thoughts on these events and other possible events you would like to attend.

Other Business
In order to keep everyone informed, LISSO will try to send email reminders about events through the SLIS listserv. Keep on the lookout for these important updates.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

09/09/09 Meeting, Friday at Five, LISSO Picnic Location Determined

LISSO had our first official meeting of the semester today, on 09/09/09, and it was a success. Minutes will be posted as I receive them. We have a new event coming up that I would like to announce, and it is our first (hopefully of many) Friday at Five, which will be held next Friday September 18th. We will be meeting at Lynagh's Pub which is located on Woodland near Euclid.

I will be adding this event, along with upcoming SLIS events to the blog calendar so you can keep track of them! In other news, a location has been set for our upcoming LISSO picnic!

The LISSO Picnic will be held at Woodland Park! We will be meeting in the Pavilion area (where all the picnic tables are). Woodland Park is at the corner of E. High and Kentucky Ave, near the Woodland Triangle.

Please leave a comment on this blog post or send an e-mail to or with whichever dish or game you plan on bringing :)

The picnic is this SUNDAY, September 13 from 2p-5p.

Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

LISSO endeavors to make a splash in '09!

With the end of summer comes the beginning of another exciting school year, and LISSO has been thinking up exciting events to connect the students in UK's SLIS in the midst of online classes.  As always, we are open to suggestions, compliments, criticism, etc.  

We had a successful introductory meeting on Wednesday, August 26 during which our board members were able to introduce our organization and ourselves to the incoming SLIS students.  We addressed concerns and answered questions about both the organization and about the program as a whole.  A big concern seemed to be online classes, and we hope we addressed this fully.

Our next event is this Friday, September 4.  We will be hosting a Happy Hour at Tin Roof from 1:30-5:00.  This coincides with the new student luncheon which is over at 1.   The Happy Hour is open to all SLIS students, faculty, and staff.  Tin Roof is located on 303 S. Limestone, Lexington KY 40508.  It is within walking distance of campus/the SLIS department and we should have a walking group from the orientation luncheon to Tin Roof.  

More information can be found at Tin Roof's Website:

Another upcoming LISSO event is a Potluck Picnic which we are hosting on Sunday, September 13 from 2:00-5:00.  LISSO will be providing the basics, but you are asked to bring a dish or game for the rest of us to enjoy.  This picnic is open for all SLIS students, faculty, staff, along with their family members.  If you plan on attending, please leave a comment letting us know what dish (or game) you plan on bringing. 

The location of the SLIS Picnic is TBD, but more details are forthcoming.

We will generally hold LISSO meetings once a month on Wednesdays at 5:00pm.  The first official LISSO meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 9 at 5:00 in the SLIS student lounge.  The SLIS student lounge is located on the third floor of the Lucille Little Fine Arts Library next to the women’s restroom. 

We look forward to having a great year and seeing you at our meetings and events! We also look forward to your feedback, as that is from that we are able to plan events that will be enjoyable by all!

Be sure to check back to keep up-to-date on LISSO events, and don’t forget to check the calendar at the very bottom! The calendar may change even before there is a new entry. 

If you haven’t already, please join us on Facebook: !  You can also e-mail LISSO for more information:

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

LISSO April Meeting Minutes

LISSO Minutes 4.21.2009
· Discussion of Social Events Held this Year
o Good turnout at social events, especially trivia at Mellow Mushroom
o Brown bag lunch series for faculty research presentation next year
o More events outside of bars next year
§ SLIS Picnic next year?
· Items to consider for next year
o Engage distance learning students
o Create free events
o Better presence at orientation
o Update LISSO website
o Create better communication with Graduate Student Congress and College of Communications
o LISSO President or designated student should attend faculty meetings
o Increased virtual presence
§ Blackboard group
§ Registering with UK Student Activities now online
· New LISSO Officers for 2009/2010
o Communications Officer: Lisa Raney
o Secretary: Liz Siler
o Treasurer: Chris Worland
o Vice President: Anne Bradley
o President: Amanda Hazenfield
· Congratulations to Student Leadership Award winner Krista King
· Budget
o $50 currently
· Upcoming Events
o SLIS Banquet 5/1/2009 $12.50 reduced price for students Lexington Downtown Hotel and Conference Center cash bar at 6:00pm, dinner served at 7:00pm
§ Please make reservations at

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

New LISSO Officers

Congratulations to the LISSO officers for the 2009/2010 school year!

Communications Manager: Lisa Raney

Secretary: Liz Siler

Treasurer: Chris Worland

Vice President: Anne Bradley

President: Amanda Hazenfield

Thank you to everyone who voted in the election and to all those who ran for office. Please remember that there are often volunteer opportunities for those interested in helping with LISSO events.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

2009 LISSO Leadership Award and 2009/2010 Officer Elections

The LISSO Leadership Award is given to a student who demonstrates leadership in the classroom and contributes to the education of others. The best part is the award is conducted entirely by the students, from the nomination process to the final vote.

Please follow the link below to vote

2009 LISSO Leadership Award

Please follow the link below to vote for next year's LISSO Officers

2009/2010 LISSO Officer Elections

(image from:

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Dean Candidates Visit Campus

Candidates for the position of Dean of the Communications and Information Studies will be visiting campus for interviews in the next few weeks. An open forum has been scheduled with each candidate for faculty, staff and students. You are invited to meet with each candidate at the time and place indicated below. Curriculum vitae for each candidate can be accessed at

An evaluation form for these candidates is also available at the same web site. Please remember to complete an evaluation form for each candidate about whom you have an opinion and return it as soon as possible to Kris Hobson ( ).

March Meeting Minutes

LISSO Meeting Minutes from LISSO/ALA Joint Meeting 3-31
• Public Health Management & Policy Conference (Health or Medical Librarianship)
• Marriott Griffin Gate Hotel, Newtown Pike
• Free Registration
• 4/7 – 4/9
• Comps Lunch, Mellow Mushroom, 1:30pm, 4/10
• Trivia Night, Mellow Mushroom, 7:30pm, 4/15
• Gallery Hop, Central Branch LPL, 5pm, 4/17
• Lazerow Lecture, 4:30 – 6, 4/22, Young Library Auditorium (Wednesday)
• Medical Informatics theme
• ALA Research Day, Poster Presentation, 4/23
• Keeneland, 11am, 4/24
• Rm. 308 (SLIS Student Lounge) – College of Communication Dean Interviews
• 3:30, 4/07, Beth Barnes (Tuesday)
• 3:30, 4/09 (Thursday)
• 3:30, 4/16 (Thursday)
• Provost Page
• SLIS Banquet, Friday, 5/01
• Radison Hotel
• $25
• LISSO Leadership Award

• Peer Elected
• Melody Trosper Award
• $500
• Beta Phi Mu
• International LIS Honorary Society GPA & Faculty Nomination
LISSO Elections
Deadline for nominations 4/10
Open positions include President, Vice President, Secretary, and Communications Officer
Current Nominations
Liz Siler- Secretary
Jeretta Hall- Vice President
Anne Bradley- Vice President
Amanda Hazenfield- President
Lisa Raney- Communications Manager

Chris Worland will continue Treasurer position

LISSO Faculty Advisor
Professor Carrigan suggested as a candidate

T-shirt contest cancelled
Only one submission, lack of options for students to choose from
Not enough time to pursue logistics of printing and submitting orders with time remaining in this semester
Suggested that LISSO officers next year may wish to contact Janice Birdwhistle if they would like to have t-shirts

Next LISSO/ALA Joint Meeting 4/21 @ 5:30 in the SLIS Student Lounge

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Comps Review mp3

Got one of these? Well, it doesn't matter. You can now listen to the Comps Review right here.
Blogger doesn't let us upload MP3s so the "video" below includes the audio. Happy listening.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Comps Notes Spring 2009

• Logistics of exam:
o Exam is put together by an exam committee, made up of 3 faculty members;
 Soliciting suggestions for questions from entire faculty then structures exam. Sometimes, editing what faculty submits for comprehensibility and does not assume knowledge you would not have unless you took an elective.
 The committee is the official committee that the graduate school appoints to oversee the exam
 However, the exam is evaluate by entire committee, double blind read: two people are assigned to read the responses of each of the 5 questions
• 6 people will read your exam
• The 2nd reader does not know what the assessment was of the first reader; no marks, no grades. Two independent judgments for each of the 3 questions you would answer.
• The graduate school sets parameters for what you would do and how you would do it. The school allows you to repeat the exam once if you fail, but no third options.
 The exam’s purpose is for you to integrate everything you know and have experienced in the program. We take an issues oriented format, for example, a current issue or problem and use that as a launching pad to talk about other issues related to it.
• We often allow you to approach the exam from the perspective of a particular emphasis, i.e. public library vs. academic library.
• Generally, the questions do not have a single answer. Instead, they call for your informed opinion or to argue a side.
• To prepare:
o You know more than you think you do.
o You can review class notes
o Good way to study is to review the past exams; if I got this question, how would I approach it
• The most common errors people make when they do not pass it:
o The exam does not assume that all you have taken are the core classes.
o Exam is not pro forma
o Respondent did not answer question; wrote on the subject
 Pay attention to the verbs and do what the question asks you to do
o Length and Depth; not enough there
 How long should an answer be? About an hour per question
• Do not have to be highly detailed but be specific
• Typically, you do not have to cite anyone
o Exception: ALA documents
o Dr. Sineath: I can count on one hand the number of people in 30 years who have failed twice
 You do not have to be registered as a student to take exam over
 You receive feedback from the director, face to face, why you failed the exam
 If any of the 6 readers says any question is not passable, then the 3 member exam committee reviews the entire exam and gives final say
• They can overturn a single reader’s fail mark
• Best approach to taking exam:
o Take a past question and outline it; map it
o During exam, you will be provided scratch paper
o Be precise and clear; no long eloquent writing
 i.e. no story intro; tell 3 or 4 main points you are going to address
 Transitions are key; several paragraphs over one block of text
 If there are 3 distinct questions (in one answer) use subject headers within your response.
 Content is what matters!
o Do not sit down and starting write; take time to think
 Gives you a more coherent response and improves the way you use your time during the exam
• Not attached to exam or considered in grading essay
 The exam is self managed; starts at 9am and ends at 1pm
 Blue book are an option for taking; word processing not mandatory
• Essays saved to desktop, then printed out
• Everyone is given a tracking number for anonymity; only chair committee has that list.
• During process of writing, make sure to save often. No way to recover and there are no backup procedures.
o Word Processor: MS Word 2007
• Results in 2 weeks, though department has yet to take the full two weeks. We may be pressed this time because this is the largest group to sit.
o You will receive a letter from DGS with results
 Will Buntin has them that day in his office; email will follow
 Not allowed to give results over email

• You can refer to laws or names to identify, but you do not have to document in the style of a footnote. But don’t assume your reader knows that person’s contribution – do state/explain that process.
• If you approach from a specific setting, do not go as specific as to an instiution.
o What is ok: school library, public library, urban public library, rural public library, academic library, small academic library, large academic library
• Management and issues; do you take one broad issues and apply to all functions or one issue per function?
o One issue per function; cannot put one issue over all of them.
• What specific theories, other than Zipf's Principle of Least Effort, would be helpful in studying the search behavior of users?
o Kulthau’s Information Seeking Process, Dervin’s Sense Making
• As I studied the old comp questions from the Comps WIKI site I noticed a principle mentioned when creating privacy policies called the "Fair Information Practice Principle". Could you describe/explain it...would it be a good principle to draw upon?
o Confusing two things; professors do not what this is referring to.
• My final question has to do with a previous question from 2007. It asks:
Library collections, commercial databases, and the Internet are among the basic avenues for information retrieval. Describe the typical scope and contents of these information sources and compare methods for retrieving information from them. To what extent do they overlap? With examples, illustrate when (under what circumstances) and how (with what particular search strategies) each of the avenues can best be used.
I would be very appreciate of an article or resource journal suggestion to help answer the many questions that should be addressed.
o Scope:
 What does the library have?
 What is that database about?
 The internet – everything!
o Retrieval:
 Subject Headings (Library)
 Thesauri and Controlled Vocabulary (Database)
 Natural Language or Limited Metadata Searching (Internet)
• Issues with attempts to catalog the internet
o Overlap:
 Keyword searching
 Boolean searching
o Examples:
• Public library has mediators (librarians!) to help…
 Commercial databases
 Internet Search Engines
o Questions is asking you to compare and contrast
o Article or Journal Suggestion: 601 and 602 notes
• A public library board in a Georgia community where one in 6 residents are Hispanic recently decided to stop purchasing Spanish language material. If you were a library director, how would you handle this directive? What professional What ALA guidelines would you use…
o First sentence: you do not have to know anything about this case. It is simply providing a vehicle to trigger an idea about something broader.
o 4 questions need to be answered:
 What would you do as library director?
• Speak to public, garner public support in changing perspective of illegal immigrants
 What professional ethics and issues does this raise?
 How would you address them?
 What ALA guidelines would you bring into this discussion?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

LISSO Elections!

Attention SLIS students:

LISSO needs your help! In order to continue offering fun social events and informative professional development opportunities, LISSO needs new officers for the 2009-2010 school year. The following positions will be available:


Vice President


Other positions may also be available. Please contact Krista King if you are interested. Also, please try to attend the next LISSO/ALA joint meeting which will be held in the SLIS student lounge on 3.31.2009 from 5:30-6:30.

Thank you for your consideration!


Monday, March 16, 2009

professional references tips

Professional References Tips:

 Make sure that people know you’re using them as a professional reference. It doesn’t look good when a person on your reference list has no idea you were using them as a reference.

 Don’t assume that someone you’re on good terms with is going to be a GOOD reference. Ask first if they would be able to provide you with a GOOD reference. There is a huge difference between just “being a reference” for someone and being a good reference. You want to make sure people will say positive things about you.

 Use as many supervisors as possible from past jobs. Even if most or all of your job experience is not in libraries, potential employers will want to know what kind of employee you were. Supervisors are in the best position to provide this information.

 So, the kinds of people who should be on your list of references, in order of importance.
o Supervisors, even if it was a non-library job. Supervisors for your assistantship are good, too
o Co-workers
o Librarians whom you worked with, but who didn’t necessarily supervise you. (i.e. if you had an assistantship in some department of a library)
o Library school faculty whom you’ve worked closely with. Comments like “I had Jane in my Cataloging class and she was a thoughtful, diligent student” are good to have in a pinch, but do not say much about you as an employee.

 Avoid using fellow library school students as references, if at all possible. It’s better to use professional references from non-library jobs instead.

 Don’t use anyone with whom you’ve had disagreements or ongoing interpersonal conflicts, unless you have patched things up with the person and are now on excellent terms with them. If you aren’t sure where you stand with a possible reference, ask them. (See above.)

 Make sure your professional reference’s basic information is correct. *(Exact job title, and the correct address, phone number, & e-mail.) Don’t make the search committee have to hunt for the correct information!

 It’s OK to provide one more reference more than the job announcement calls for.

 Keep in touch with your references a couple of times per year to let them know what you’ve been doing. Thank them profusely after they’ve been contacted by a potential employer. Put them on your Christmas card list. Keeping in touch with them can include:

o Give them examples of professional development experiences, projects you’ve taken on, etc.
o Let them know what kinds of jobs you’re applying for.
o Send them an updated copy of your resume before you begin sending it out to employers.

 Don’t send your list of references along with the resume and cover letter unless asked. It’s perfectly OK to have a section at the end of your resume that says “References provided upon request.”

Compiled by Mark Shores
Assistant Director/Regional Campus Librarian
Miami UniversityHamilton
Hamilton, OH

cover letter tips

Tips for Writing a Cover Letter

• Write a full letter. A few sentences or even one or two paragraphs are not enough. This is your chance to sell yourself—use the letter to market yourself.
• Proofread, proofread, proofread. And then have someone else proofread. Do not rely solely on the spell-check feature of your word processing software. Spell-check programs do not catch every mistake.
• Your cover letter is more than just a cover letter; it is a writing sample. Your potential employer will pay attention to how well you write because he or she will eventually need for you to write things such as grants, reports, proposals, board reports, newspaper articles, book reviews, etc. Your future supervisor will not have the time or desire to correct your grammar and writing errors.
• Do not begin every paragraph in your letter with the word “I.” Too many sentences beginning with “I have”, “I would”, “I am”, and “I will” are apt to make you look like a less than stellar writer.
• Your cover letter should not be all about you and your needs. Talk about what you can do for your potential employer. The employer wants to know how you can help make his or her library a better place.
• Do your research. Before you write your letter, do some research on the library you are applying to. You may find a way to work some of your newfound knowledge into your cover letter. For example: “From viewing your website, I noticed that your library is beefing up its outreach to the elderly in the community. I have a keen interest in services to this group; I planned and presented a program for seniors as one of my class projects.” Look for opportunities to demonstrate how your experience or skills match up with the employer’s needs.
• Your cover letter should not be a recital of your resume. It should offer an intriguing glimpse of who you are and what you can do. The cover letter should pique the employer’s interest enough that he or she will want to then read your resume. The cover letter and resume combined should provoke the employer to want to bring you in for an interview.
• Put it on paper. If you send a cover letter and resume via email or fax, be sure to state that you will also send a print copy. Then make sure you send the print copies promptly.
• Quality counts. Always use high-quality cotton bond resume paper. Yes, employers do pay attention to such things.
• Quality counts, again. Make sure the printer you are using makes clear, clean, crisp printouts.
• Make sure the font size is legible. The employer should not have to squint to see the font. Generally, a size 11 or 12 font will work well.
• Don’t be sloppy with the details. NEVER hand-correct (with pen or pencil) a typo on your cover letter. Make sure you have saved the document, then go back and make the correction and print out a freshly corrected copy. Otherwise, the employer might think you would turn in similarly untidy assignments if hired.
• Typewritten letters only, please. Do not submit a handwritten cover letter.
• Avoid over-using the same words throughout your document. This is a common mistake and it makes for tiresome reading. You want to impress your reader, not put him to sleep. Commonly over-used words: experience; opportunity; library; librarian; and position.
• Do not state in your cover letter that you will call to arrange an interview. While some interview books may advocate this approach, the risk of alienating your potential employer is not worth it. You will come off as pushy, and not many employers will want to bring someone like that on board.
• Make sure your cover letter and resume jive. Do not make a statement in your cover letter that conflicts with the facts on your resume, or vise versa. Accuracy and truthfulness are key.

Prepared by April Ritchie, MSLS
Adult Services Coordinator
Erlanger Branch
Kenton County Public Library

Resume Tips

Planning Process (once you have received interview)
Look at the organization’s website, mission statement/strategic plan
If you know names of interviewers, look them up, maybe even use Google
Ask them questions about their job and interests, but not questions that are readily available on the website – show you are engaged in position, that you have done your research, and you want the job
Is this the job you really want?
Research your general area – shows you are committed to professional development
i.e. mention an article you just read, or a blog
Bring multiple copies of your file: email it to yourself, bring it on multiple drives
Anticipate generic questions and practice your answers – don’t ramble and be an active listener
It is ok to ask them to repeat a question, especially if they are multipart
Ask for clarification if you don’t know what they mean; interviewers don’t always know what they are doing
Really pay attention to the people there; are they rigid, late, bad personality, bad questions? Do you really want to work there?
When you apply places, think of the setting? Do you want to live in the area?
Bring pen and paper for notes
Clothes – no cleavage, no sneakers, no jeans, wear a tie…: MAKE AN EFFORT
Look like you want to work there

Make sure they are clear and neatly typed
1-2 pages max.
Attach a real letter to the real resume and mail/bring in, in addition to the online application
I think I would be good for this decision because…
Shows lifelong learning willingness

Phone Interview as Screening

You will receive an itinerary ahead of time, usually a few days where you can look up names and positions of committees you are meeting with

Public Library Interview Process:
1 Hour
Sometimes a lunch or second visit if it is close between candidates
Look for people who can smile, make eye contact, and will look approachable on the floor – people skills cannot be taught

Academic Interview Process:
Vitas instead of a resume
List of presentations
Continuing Education Experiences (Conferences)
Usually requires a presentation
Use visuals
Practice time limit – will kill your interview if you go over
If you can, show personal examples (even if it is something you did in SLIS
Meet with search committee
Typically people from throughout campus; some will be faculty, some will be staff (7-8)
Meet with department
Meet with potential supervisor
Meet with the dean (if available)
Meet with promotion tenure committee
Extremely important
Ask lots of questions, especially about presenting and publishing requirements
Meet with Human Resources (benefits, tuition questions)
At least 1 day, sometimes 2
To show you are comfortable with public speaking
Tenure Requirements
Get to know your future colleagues
Can you socialize “appropriately”
They will take you to meals, maybe a happy hour J

Except when making arrangements for interview/travel, especially if a range is not published and you are moving to a new location
Days off/vacation
Benefits (unless with an HR person)
What are your challenges/future goals?

LISSO Resume Workshop Minutes

Resume Workshop Minutes
• The person reading your resume is not invested in you yet or even considering interviewing you – this is where you hook them!
• Is it graphically pleasing to the eye?
o Microsoft Word Templates are ok
o Make sure it is easy to read, clear, and consumable!
 That says more about your objective as a professional than a statement at the top of the page…
 It’s not a good time to be clever, cute, or funny!
o Spell Check!!! It is so basic, but spelling errors are always spread through resumes.
 Have friends review – spell check will not catch everything!
 When a couple of applicants are so closely matched, sometimes the only difference between who gets hired would be a typo in a resume.
 A resume with errors would show a lack of trust to write, for example, a grant or newspaper column…
 Don’t underestimate the importance of your writing abilities.
o Bullets
o Bold Points
o Lots of White Space
o Use high quality materials (i.e. laser printer, resume paper)
• Web Sites to Use:
o LIS Jobs
o ALA Wiki
• Don’t need an “Objective”; a waste of space and it sounds contrived
o Never read one that made a difference in a positive way, but always a negative way!
 Save career objectives or philosophical comments for the cover letter.
• Your resume is extremely valuable real estate! Don’t waste it!
o Action Verbs (and use same verb tense!): Organized, Administered, Planned, Developed, Evaluated…
o Numbers can be important and show an understanding, especially of management, but be wary and don’t inflate.
o Awards to pad if you do not have a lot of work experience.
 Even if it is just a student, campus specific award!
• Match your material to the position for which you are applying! Look at how the job is described (actions, verbs, etc…)
o Look at the organization as a whole and how you could contribute to their goals
 Do not go into an interview without doing all the research you can.
o Don’t put in your hobbies!
o Don’t include coursework…
 But do include conference presentations and publications
• Always send a cover letter!!!!!
o An email is not a cover letter… a paragraph is not a cover letter!
o No longer than 1 page!
o Standard Business Letter Template
o Content depends on your experience and your job.
o Extremely important to read job description; you must tailor as much as possible to the specific job to which you are applying.
o Don’t send out mass mailing and simply change the institution’s name.
• Do not use the “opportunity” to drop off a resume in person as a mini-interview/getting-the-foot-in-the-door. This is not appropriate.
o Ok to send an electronic copy first and follow with hard copy, but indicated in the electronic message that is what you are doing.
o Who do you send to if there is no name or who packet should go to?
 Greeting can be generic, letter content more important.
o Ok to follow up 1-2 weeks after application deadline to make sure the search is still on and everything was received.
 If it says no call or follow-up, adhere!
 Academic Libraries/Institutions move at a “glacier” place. Varies according to search committee sizes, schedules, etc.
 Public Libraries depend on library size, HR schedule, etc.
 Don’t worry if time passes, it doesn’t mean you are out of the running.
 Great to send a thank-you note, especially after the interview!
• Can go to search committee members and library directors; this shows how you see yourself in the larger organization picture. It is another way to sell yourself.
• Please type – do not handwrite.
o It is business correspondence etiquette.
• Bring a portfolio, even if you don’t get to show it all, and at least a pad of paper!
o This shows you have prepared for the meeting
• Have questions prepared – its looks impressive and like you have done your research!
o Your opportunity to glean as much information about the organization; do you really want to work there?
o DO NOT ASK ABOUT SALARY/BENEFITS until you are offered the job.
o 201 Best Questions to Ask on Your Interview – J. Kador
 i.e. Why is this a good place to work?
 Ask about planning and evaluation
• How do you feel about the progress you are making on your strategic plan? How do you measure it?
• What are the biggest challenges facing your organization right now.
 If you could change one thing about this library, what would it be?
• If they are vague, that sends a red flag.

Monday, March 2, 2009

LISSO/ALA minutes from 2.25.2009 meeting

LISSO/ALA 2.25.2009 meeting minutes

• Comps
o Survey for Breakfast or Lunch/Dinner
o Prep Session/Dismiss official LISSO responsibility
 ALA and LISSO cannot be held to be responsible for its members academic advancement; we are purely “social” and “professional”. If anything, it is the school’s responsibility.
 If not for us, would Faculty do a comps review?
• Next Meeting, Early March/March Social Activities 1x Week
o More activities will make students feel more involved with online class disconnect
• Resume Writing Workshop
o If not March, then April
o Mark Shores – SLIS Alumni – U of Miami Ohio Librarian
• Tshirt Contest
o No submissions as of meeting.
o Collaborate on ideas over next two weeks and have something ready to send to Hands On Originals by next meeting
• 5 things about your student org – not discussed
• Faith &I’s meeting With Dr. Huber
o Issues with Comps
o Student representation to faculty board/meeting
 If not, there should be a time when the director meets with student org representatives; there needs to be a direct flow of information to stop the disconnect between faculty and students.
What does the faculty see as a worthwhile or successful student presence at a program?

Friday, January 30, 2009

1.20.2009 meeting minutes

LISSO Minutes from LISSO/ALA Joint Meeting 1.20.2009

· Explanation and Introduction of LISSO and ALA to new students and members

o LISSO dues are $5.00 per year

o LISSO has offered social and professional development activities, ALA will offer more professional development activities for the Spring 2009 semester and

§ 15 programs offered in Fall 2008 semester

o LISSO will continue to provide social events

· Fundraising

o LISSO intends to sell t-shirts, and possibly canvas totes and coffee mugs through Hands-on-Originals

§ Students may submit designs in any electronic format

§ Designs will be posted to the LISSO flickr account

§ Voting for t-shirt design will take place through Polldaddy

· Social Activities

o Trivia Night @ Mellow Mushroom 1.28.2009 7:30PM

o SLIS student Chris Oaks’ band (The Spooky Q’s) @ Brooklyn Pizza 1.30.2009 9:00PM

· Professional Development

o SLIS student participation recommended in UK Graduate Interdisciplinary Conference

o Discussion of SLIS participation in CDC informatics presentations on Fridays during lunch

o UK SLIS faculty research day

· Faculty will present research to interested SLIS students in an informal lecture format, dates and times to be determined in discussion with faculty

o Student inclusion in SLIS faculty meetings

· LISSO bylaws state that President has the right to attend faculty meetings

· Leaders of other student groups (ALA and SAA) may also wish to participate

***Next LISSO meeting 2.24.2009 @ 5:30 in the student lounge (third floor of the Fine Arts Library)***