Wednesday, December 19, 2007

January LISSO Meeting

We have another change of plan and venue for the LISSO meeting in January. Those of you heavily involved in the planning process will recall that our Constitution was on the to-do list. Due to the break from classes we have decided to have a special meeting on Monday January 7th at the Good Foods Co-op on Southland Dr. at 4:45. The only item on the agenda will be the constitution so bring along your copies for edits. The plan is to arrive between 4:30 and 5 to get food as a working supper meeting so we can begin work by 5:00.

Our regular meeting for the month will be replaced by a joint ALA meeting later in the month. Stay tuned for upcoming details regarding this joint ALA/LISSO collaboration.
Have a great break everyone!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Free Books in the CAIT Lab!

Need some classic SLIS reading material while away on your break?
Before everyone heads home, try to stop by the CAIT lab to take a look at their large shelf of free books. When you enter the lab walk to the back and head into the first alcove. Once inside, look to the right where Mary Landrum has placed a large sign labeling the free selections.

As the CAIT Lab prepares for their move to LCLI, more books may be made available, so keep your eyes on the free shelves throughout the spring semester and thanks to Mary for arranging the free area for everyone!