Friday, January 30, 2009

1.20.2009 meeting minutes

LISSO Minutes from LISSO/ALA Joint Meeting 1.20.2009

· Explanation and Introduction of LISSO and ALA to new students and members

o LISSO dues are $5.00 per year

o LISSO has offered social and professional development activities, ALA will offer more professional development activities for the Spring 2009 semester and

§ 15 programs offered in Fall 2008 semester

o LISSO will continue to provide social events

· Fundraising

o LISSO intends to sell t-shirts, and possibly canvas totes and coffee mugs through Hands-on-Originals

§ Students may submit designs in any electronic format

§ Designs will be posted to the LISSO flickr account

§ Voting for t-shirt design will take place through Polldaddy

· Social Activities

o Trivia Night @ Mellow Mushroom 1.28.2009 7:30PM

o SLIS student Chris Oaks’ band (The Spooky Q’s) @ Brooklyn Pizza 1.30.2009 9:00PM

· Professional Development

o SLIS student participation recommended in UK Graduate Interdisciplinary Conference

o Discussion of SLIS participation in CDC informatics presentations on Fridays during lunch

o UK SLIS faculty research day

· Faculty will present research to interested SLIS students in an informal lecture format, dates and times to be determined in discussion with faculty

o Student inclusion in SLIS faculty meetings

· LISSO bylaws state that President has the right to attend faculty meetings

· Leaders of other student groups (ALA and SAA) may also wish to participate

***Next LISSO meeting 2.24.2009 @ 5:30 in the student lounge (third floor of the Fine Arts Library)***

Thursday, January 29, 2009

LISSO T-shirt Contest - Redux!!

We all know we need a T-shirt that will represent UK SLIS in all its glory.

This is your chance to prove how creative librarians can be! Beginning now through February 24th, we will be taking ideas....images, slogans, an attempt to find a great t-shirt idea to represent SLIS students.

This contest has been designed to give you almost a month, so no lazy excuses! To submit your idea: send it to the LISSO e-mail account ( with the subject line: LISSO Contest.

What do you win if selected? A free T-shirt or totebag with the new design securely emblazoned with pride!

Get creative folks and remember, this could be your legacy while in the program!

Proceeds will help support your friendly neighborhood LISSO. Winning design will be selected by the LISSO officers with final approval by our fearless leader Dr. Sineath keep it PG-13!