Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hap"pie" Hour Tomorrow!

Just a reminder that our second Hap"pie" Hour is tomorrow at Ramsey's High St. location beginning at 6pm, March 31. Stop by and have some pie, 2 for 1 drinks (until 7), dinner, and great conversation with your SLIS colleagues!!

All SLIS faculty, staff, and students are invited.

Don't forget that you can always check out the LISSO Events calendar located at the bottom of this page. You can import individual events, or even all of them, into your own Google calendar.

Hope to see you tomorrow at Wednesday Hap"pie" Hour!


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Comps Lunch and other Events

Hi everyone,

Just a reminder that the Comps Lunch is tomorrow, March 26 at 1:30 at the Mellow Mushroom. Everyone is welcome to join the students who have completed their comprehensive exam for a celebratory lunch. We hope to see you then!

Other quick reminders:

- LISSO Leadership Award - Be sure to nominate a graduating student that has shown leadership in and outside of class, or has had a positive effective on your educational experience. The deadline for nominations has been extended to this Friday, March 26th. You can send nominations to uklisso@gmail.com.

- New LISSO Leadership - For the organization to continue planning social and professional development events, it needs ethusiastic and active officers. If you are interested in holding a leadership postion for the 2010-2011 school year please send a short statment of interest to uklisso@gmail.com by Friday, March 26th.

Looking ahead:
Hap'pie' Hour @ Ramsey's - Wednesday, March 31st, 6:00-8:00pm at Ramsey's Diner.

Trivia Night @ Winchell's - Thursday, April 8th, 9:00pm at Winchell's Restaruant & Sports.

Friday @ Five - Friday, April 16th, 5:00pm at Charilie Browns located at 816 Euclid Avenue.

Spring Picnic - Saturday, April 24, 2:00 - 4:00pm at Kirklevington Park. We will hold the drawing for the $20 gift certificate for those have paid their dues this semester at this event. Dues are $5 for the year so be sure pay them to be included in the drawing!!! More details to come!

Best of luck to everyone taking comps and don't forget that the comps orientation is available on the SLIS blackboard site! I hope you have a great weekend! I'll be back next week with more updates.


March Meeting Minutes

LISSO Minutes

Meeting of March 10, 2010, 5:00 PM
SLIS Lounge

Upcoming Events
-Resume workshop scheduled for Thursday, March 11th, with guest speakers coming from 11:30 - 1:00. They will talk about resumes, cover letters, references, and interviews.
-2nd Hap“pie” Hour Event at Ramsey’s on Wednesday, March 31st, at 6pm.
-Trivia Night at Winchell’s on Thursday, April 8th at 9pm.
-Last Friday at 5 of the semester on Friday, April 16th at Charlie Browns, located on 816 Euclid Avenue.
-The UK SLIS Banquet is on Friday, April 23rd. This is not a LISSO event, but students are strongly encouraged to attend.
-Woodland Park Spring Picnic is planned for Saturday, April 24th. We will be going early to get shelter space.
-Liz and Chris are looking into a tour of the “book cave,” or Kentucky Underground Storage Inc. It is a remote storage site for UK, but holds a huge amount of other material in their subterranean space.
-Tentative date for April 30th, or the week of. Chris is checking possible weekend availability for the tour.
-Decided against doing a Keeneland Library Event this semester; It may be a good activity for the fall.

Comps Lunch
-The post-Comps lunch will take place at Mellow Mushroom at 1:30pm on Friday, March 26th.
-All students are encouraged to come, not just those taking Comps.
-Liz pointed out that it is a good way to get first-hand knowledge of what the test is like.

Dues are $5
-Dues can be paid to any LISSO officers.
-We will have drawing for a UK Bookstore Gift Card at the Spring Picnic for all members that pay their dues this semester.

Future LISSO Leadership
-Liz will send out an email soon to call for nominations for officers. Many responsibilities are shared, but here are short descriptions of the main tasks for each role. Available positions:
-President – Creates agendas for and runs monthly meetings, contacts people to arrange events, sends out event announcement and reminder emails, and attends monthly faculty meetings.
-Vice President – Helps plan events, sends reminder emails, and does whatever tasks the LISSO President asks.
-Treasurer – Keeps track of amount in LISSO account and helps plan events.
-Nominations will go on for two weeks, ending on March 24th.
-Students will be asked to submit their name and a short statement declaring why they would like to be a LISSO officer.
-Voting (most likely by survey) will begin on March 24th and continue for a week. New officers will be announced after that point.

LISSO Leadership Award
-The LISSO Leadership Award is determined by the SLIS student body, and given to a student who demonstrates leadership in the classroom and contributes to the education of others.
-Eligible students include those who graduated August or December 2009 and those who will be graduating in May 2010.
-Liz will send out a call for nominations with eligible student names included soon. Nominations will run for two weeks, and voting will begin on March 24th and continue for a week.
-Students will be encouraged to submit a name of a student they would like to nominate, along with a short statement of why the person is a good candidate for the award.
-The award will be presented at the SLIS Banquet on April 23rd.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

March Meeting and Resume Workshop

Hi Everyone!

LISSO has a couple of events this week that we would like to remind you of.

LISSO Monthly Business Meeting - Wednesday, March 10th @ 5:00pm in the SLIS lounge

Among the topics that will be discussed at the LISSO Business Meeting included upcoming events, the LISSO leadership award, and new leadership for the 2010-2011 school year. If you have any interested in becoming an officer for LISSO please attend the meeting, as we will be discussing the open positions and their responsibilties. If you cannot attend the meeting please feel free to contact us and we will send you more information.

Resume Workshop!!! - Thursday, March 11th from 11:30am - 1:00pm in the SLIS lounge

The resume workshop is an opportunity to learn more about resumes, cover letters, references and interviews specific to the librarian profession. The workshop will be run by two UK Alumni: Mark L. Shores, the Assistant Director of the Miami of Ohio, Hampton Rentschler Library and April Ritchie the Adult Services librarian at the Erlanger branch of the Kenton Public Library. The session will begin with some basic information on resumes, cover letters, references, inteviews and any questions you might have about these subjects. Once this part of the session is finished, our presenters will sit individually with you to go over your resumes and cover letters.

We encourage you to join us for the resume workshop, to better prepare yourself to retain employment as a librarian upon graduation.


Friday, March 5, 2010

March Activities and Reminders

Hi everyone,

We wanted to thank everyone who came out to LISSO's first ever Hap"pie" Hour this week. Good times and delicious pie were had by all! This is an event we're definitely keeping in mind as one to repeat later on in the semester.

As for upcoming events...

Spring Comps Orientation will be held at 5 o'clock today for those who are taking comps in a few weeks. Professor Carrigan will be going over tips and advice, as well as providing students with his extensive management knowledge. It will once again be taped, courtesy of Will Buntin, and posted to Blackboard for those who are unable to attend.

LISSO's March meeting will be held this Wednesday, the 10th in the SLIS Student Lounge from 5 to 6. We have some ideas in mind, but would love if you came out and helped us plan for the remainder of the semester and chat with fellow SLIS students!!

The following day Thursday, March 11 is LISSO's Resume Workshop from 11:30 to 1:00pm. This will also be held in the SLIS Student Lounge. We will be having librarians providing information about resumes and cover letters. They will also provide feedback on students' resumes and/or cover letters.

In other news,

We are also seeking nominees for the LISSO Leadership Award. Each year the students vote on the recipient for the LISSO leadership. We will have a school wide vote at the end of March. Students who graduated in December and will graduate in May are eligible for the award. We will send a list of the students out shortly with a call for nominations.

LISSO would like to remind you that we have an ongoing Dues drive. Dues are $5 and paid once a year. They can be given to any of the LISSO officers (Liz Siler, Anne Bradley, Chris Worland, Sara Wood, or Lisa Raney). We will be having a drawing at the end-of-the-semester picnic for all who have paid their dues this semester, and the winner will win a gift certificate to the UK Bookstore.

In closing..

As always, we are always open to any comments, complaints, criticism, suggestions, etc. You can leave a comment here, send us an e-mail to lissouk@gmail.com, or contact any of the LISSO officers.

Thank you!