LISSO November meeting minutes
11.30.2010, 5:10pm
SLIS Conference Room
- Halloween gathering
- Gallery Hop
Everyone was very busy with end of the semester activities so not many
people were able to go
Upcoming Events
- Holiday party, Friday December 3rd (6-9 pm)
Going to contact Dr. O’Connor to see if Lisso needs to help with
So far, a lot of people have said they are attending – hopefully
faculty come too
- Tea Time, Tuesday December 7th (3:30-5:30pm)
Niles Gallery is reserved beginning at 3pm, people can attend right
after Dr. Case’s class that ends at 3:15 to help set up
Cheyenne’s birthday is the 7th. Happy Birthday!
People can bring whatever kind of tea bags they would like
Teakettles will be provided
Bringing a snack is encouraged
Possible events for next semester
- Try to plan big events early in the semester
- Lisa and Sara will work on thinking of more event ideas over break:
Collaboration with ALA – resume builder, professional meetings, etc.
Ice Skating – Chelsey will check on when the center is open
International Film Festival at the Lexington Public Library
Distillery visit, winery visit, brewery visit
More trivia nights
- T-shirts preparation will start up again next semester
Meeting date for next semester
- Going to try to plan the meeting directly after the week of the faculty
meeting, could be earlier in the month
- Going to keep it Tuesday’s at 5pm, most likely will plan all meetings
for the year or the semester so we can reserve the conference room
Contacting new students: Will Buntin will forward LISSO information onto the new student list.
- Possible officers meeting before the start of next semester to recruit
new students
- Sara will work on a new student packet and e-mail the officers
Things to include in the packet:
Link to welcome page from UK homepage
Tentative dates for events
Names and contact of officers
Photos and general information