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Monday, October 3, 2011
Meeting Minutes, September 26th 2011.
University of Kentucky
Meeting Minutes: September 26, 2011
Officers Present: Sara Wood, Chelsey Spencer, Cheyenne Hohman, Ida Sell, Heather Burke, Jason Boczar, Mary York, Debra Lloyd, Dr. Wade Bishop
Total Present for meeting: 9
The President opened the meeting at 4:36pm. A meeting agenda was distributed to those present.
The President introduced our new LISSO officers for this year at the start of the meeting. Each new officer briefly introduced him/herself:
• Jason Boczar will be our new Communications Director following Cheyenne Hohman’s completion of the SLIS program this year. Jason currently works in acquisitions at William T. Young Library.
• Debra Lloyd will be taking over as the new LISSO President after Chelsey Spencer’s completion of the SLIS program. She is a graduate assistant in the William T. Young Library Reference Department.
• Mary York will take over as Vice President following Sara Wood’s completion of the program here. Mary currently works in the Science and Engineering Libraries.
• Heather Burke will be the new LISSO secretary. She works in the Margaret I. King Library in Special Collections as well as Archives.
• Ida Sells will be our treasurer this year. She is a graduate assistant in Archives in the Margaret I. King Library.
After new officer introductions, the President discussed important information from the last Faculty Meeting (DATE):
• UK is going to make online classes more available to students with special learning needs (ex: visually-impaired) in accordance with ADA standards.
• There is going to be a faculty search soon to replace Dr. Chan, who is leaving. Students may be asked to come and meet candidates (and enjoy a free lunch).
• Dr. Ning will be offering a new Social Media class this spring; LIS637 and 668 are being revised so their names and content match.
• The importance of self-assessment as a major point of student portfolios was highlighted during discussion.
The current and new presidents briefly discussed the faculty meeting schedule, and Debra mentioned switching hours next semester to accommodate the responsibility.
Another topic brought up was the Student Organization Leadership Meeting, attended by the President and the new VP, Mary York. This is the beginning of a series of meetings between the four main LIS student organizations (LISSO, SLA, SAA, ALA) on campus. The goal of these meeting is to assess how we can best work together as a type of “umbrella organization” in order to prosper. Highlights from the meeting were:
• Sharing of each organization’s “best practices” (for instance, setting up a listserv, working with Google docs, etc.)
• Creating a new collective calendar of events using the new SLIS website (we can now update it ourselves rather than go through Will Buntin).
• Getting together tours of various libraries with our fellow organizations
• LISSO shared about our separate bank account and how we were able to set it up: Ida informed us that ALA’s funds are moving off-campus and SAA’s will soon.
The next item discussed was planning LISSO’s Halloween Party event. After considering local events also happening that weekend, it was decided that we would be having a get-together around 7:00PM on Sunday, which is just before the Thriller Parade. The get-together would be at Sara Wood’s apartment which overlooks the parade route. Costumes are highly encouraged, and there will probably be a costume contest at the event. Sara will be sending out directions later on, and she reminded everyone that downtown parking is free at any meter on Sunday.
Other October events in the works are as follows:
• Gratz Park Walking Tour – 9:30-11:45 am October 4th (only 12 people signed up so far, contact Dr. Bishop if interested)
• Pazzo’s Friday Pint Night – October 7th, several officers will try to get together to hold a table for us around 5:00 pm. If anyone is interested in coming, please email or use the LISSO facebook page and we can plan for a larger group.
• Possibility of our doing something at Keeneland through connections on campus (read: Gordon Hogg’s wife is their librarian): Oct. 7th is free student admission and Oct 21st is “See Blue” day (free UK student admission). The schedule for Keeneland is available online. Of interest also was a possible tour of Keeneland’s library.
• Another trivia night at Winchell’s (NOT during a Tournament of Champions)
• LISSO-sponsored Tuesday study group for those taking comps.
An impromptu Karaoke session at South Lane Bowling alley (possibly around December 7th, Cheyenne’s birthday) could also be in the works. The VP reminded everyone that EKU is hosting a discussion by Richard Dawkins on Thursday, October 6th at 7:30 pm at Brock Auditorium. The President called the meeting to a close at 5:16 pm.
LISSO's next meeting will be held on October 24 @ 4:30 pm in the SLIS conference room.
Don't forget to add us to your Google Calendar! Scroll down to view.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
August 2011 Meeting Minutes
August 29th, 2011
@ 4:34 pm
· Chelsey introduced LISSO and fellow officers:
President position includes: handling the listserv, registering the student organization, and attending monthly faculty meetings and serve as a liaison for the student voice. She explained the benefits of being president of LISSO including working with faculty.
Sara explained her role as VP: The Vice‐President shall be the second executive officer of the organization and assume all responsibilities in the absence/vacancy of the President. This individual shall assist and advise the President in executing organization functions. Some of Sara's duties have included attending faculty meetings in the President's absence; directing the LISSO Newsletter, The Signature; fundraise; solicit funds from local businesses.
Cheyenne explained Communications Officer Position: manage the blog, Facebook page, and other media outlets. It’s a beneficial position to get tech experience and create a network.
Ida Sell will be taking on the Treasurer Officer position. We will be adjusting the bylaws to include fundraising duties for the Treasurer.
Secretary position is currently open. Chelsey covered the duties of Secretary. Sara is acting as secretary until position is filled.
Elect positions are available for President, Vice President, and Communications Officer. A formal call for officer/elect positions will be sent out via email on the listserv by Chelsey later in the week.
· Meeting attendees introduced themselves: Alana, Heather, Cheyenne, Dr. Bishop, Chelsey, Sara, Carla, Debbie, Shelley, and Mary
· The Signature updates: LISSO called for submissions. We take ads, updates, news pieces, opinion pieces, artwork, etc. The next issue will be out in the next week or two. Carla suggested adding the Keeneland Fall Sales meet to Lexington bucket list. Chelsey suggested adding a calendar to the next issue.
· Eli and Ida joined the meeting.
· Upcoming Events:
Next Meeting: September 26th @ 4:30pm; likely in the SLIS Conference Room
Fall Picnic: September 10th @ 11:00am, Woodland Park
Trivia Night: September 15th @ 8:00pm, Winchell's on Southland (Trivia starts at 8:00; come early to eat, get a seat, and help pick a team name!)
Hap'pie' Hour: September 21st @ 5:00 - 7:00pm, Ramsey's on High
Meeting Adjourned
@ 5:25 pm
Monday, April 18, 2011
Minutes from April meeting
Faculty Meeting Recap: (of things that really pertain to students)
- · Undergrad program proposal update – things are looking promising and it’s moving forward through all the necessary steps
- · Portfolio – we all know what the status of this is at this point
Upcoming Resume workshop
· Collaboration with SLA Resume Discussion
· Scheduled for April 19th at 4:30 in the SLIS Conference room
o Look out for e-mails, facebook events, and a blog post
· 2 SLA member speakers will be present to provide information and answer questions
· Beverages and food will be provided
Old Business
· T-shirts
o Price for t-shirts is $8.00 each, there will be an online order function set up for ease of ordering
o There are three options for shirts. Choose one, two, or all three!
o More information and the online order form will be sent out soon
· Treasurer position
o Is open – a call will be sent out soon.
o All the LISSO positions will need to be filled come December 2011 – we will start appointing people for the positions in August for a smooth transition.
· Binder
o Work will progress over the summer to make a better binder.
o Goal: have a small working binder for the president and a larger full binder for use by all the officers. Most of that information will also be available online.
· Blog revamp summer project
o Going to move the blog onto a wordpress which will be more organized in terms of important information
· Newsletter
o Work is going for volume 2 and it will be ready soon
o A set schedule will be implemented for the newsletter for next year
With the newsletter and new blog, we hope to incorporate LISSO into the lives of Distance Learners
New Business
· LISSO Leadership Award
o Given at SLIS Banquet on April 29th
o Nominations and voting have been sent out and everyone who can should respond
o Look out for further e-mails
· Spring Picnic
o Good Foods donated 20 dollars to LISSO so good Good Foods food will be provided
o Date set for May 6th
o Possible locations are Woodland park, or Chelsey’s new house, woo!
· Summer event at Dr. O’Connor’s house
o Mid-June Pool party at Dr. O’s house
o Date to be determinied
· LISSO Pint Night
o Date: April 20th Blue moon night @ Pazzo’s a table will be reserved at 4:30, pint night starts at 6pm but get there early
· Brainstorm events for next year
o Submit some ideas on Facebook and we will get something together
Thursday, April 14, 2011
SLIS Resume Workshop!
There will be a Resume workshop on Tuesday, April 19th, 2011 @ 4:30 p.m. It is estimated to last until around 5:30 or so. The workshop will take place in the SLIS Conference room on the 3rd floor of the Art Library. Sandwiches, snacks, and beverages will be provided.
Bring your own resume or CV for feedback!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
February 8, 2011 Meeting
5:01pm Officers and three members present
• January events:
- Trivia – we lost and need more participation.
Please come next time and help us win!
Suggestions for the next Friday at 5:
- Charlie Browns
- Pazzzo’s
- Lynaughs
• Faculty meeting recap: Friday the 4th
Lisso sends one student to each meeting
- The proposal for undergrad program is under the works
- Going to increase class cap size from 25 to 30
- Next faculty meeting is at 10 instead of 9:30
• Newsletter
- A LIsso newsletter is underway, it will be on the web, up and running soon! Sara has done a lot of work on it so far. Way to go Sara!
- We’re hoping for a lot of student input for the next publication so if you have photos and/or other information you’d like to add send stuff to
- We’re hoping the newsletter will help us integrate the distance and local students with some blurbs about students and faculty
• New Facebook page for group
- Cheyenne made a new facebook page, Search UKLisso and you will find it!
- “Like” the page and you will get the newsfeeds. Once we get 50 followers we can make a unique url that will be easier to remember.
- Utilize the Facebook page for cool articles and information you’d like to share
• T-shirts!
A few ideas from last semester are:
“We’re all about aboutness”
“I’m with the banned”
“Shhh happens”
A MARC record including “see also ‘totally awesome’”
Cheyenne is going to come up with some ideas for a logo for Lisso to add to the front of the shirt. They should be pretty cheap so if you want a Lisso shirt come to meetings, pay your 5 dollar dues and represent!
• Possible events for this month
- Meet N Greet for new students to the program
-Either the 15th or 22nd 4-6pm in the Niles Gallery. An event will be made for Facebook and e-mails will be sent out when it’s scheduled
- Comps lunch
Currently scheduled for the 25th
- Comps orientation event before comps
Possibly the 1st week of March
- Bowling/Karaoke event
- ALA collaboration – Resume workshop
Will be scheduled after comps. Chelsey will look in her gigantic binder for people to contact and schedule a time.
- Hap-“pie” Hour at Ramsey’s – Friday the 18th from 4-7
Sara mentioned the Young Library workshop “Libraries and Copyright” which should be good, get more information on it from Young library’s website
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Friday @ Five: Charlie Brown's
To kick off the semester's activities, LISSO is going to have a Friday at Five (an informal gathering of anyone in the program who wishes to attend) at Charlie Brown's on Euclid near Ashland.
So, this Friday, January 21st, 5pm, Charlie Brown's. Come relax, hang out, and warm up!
Hope to see you there.