February 8, 2011 Meeting
5:01pm Officers and three members present
• January events:
- Trivia – we lost and need more participation.
Please come next time and help us win!
Suggestions for the next Friday at 5:
- Charlie Browns
- Pazzzo’s
- Lynaughs
• Faculty meeting recap: Friday the 4th
Lisso sends one student to each meeting
- The proposal for undergrad program is under the works
- Going to increase class cap size from 25 to 30
- Next faculty meeting is at 10 instead of 9:30
• Newsletter
- A LIsso newsletter is underway, it will be on the web, up and running soon! Sara has done a lot of work on it so far. Way to go Sara!
- We’re hoping for a lot of student input for the next publication so if you have photos and/or other information you’d like to add send stuff to
- We’re hoping the newsletter will help us integrate the distance and local students with some blurbs about students and faculty
• New Facebook page for group
- Cheyenne made a new facebook page, Search UKLisso and you will find it!
- “Like” the page and you will get the newsfeeds. Once we get 50 followers we can make a unique url that will be easier to remember.
- Utilize the Facebook page for cool articles and information you’d like to share
• T-shirts!
A few ideas from last semester are:
“We’re all about aboutness”
“I’m with the banned”
“Shhh happens”
A MARC record including “see also ‘totally awesome’”
Cheyenne is going to come up with some ideas for a logo for Lisso to add to the front of the shirt. They should be pretty cheap so if you want a Lisso shirt come to meetings, pay your 5 dollar dues and represent!
• Possible events for this month
- Meet N Greet for new students to the program
-Either the 15th or 22nd 4-6pm in the Niles Gallery. An event will be made for Facebook and e-mails will be sent out when it’s scheduled
- Comps lunch
Currently scheduled for the 25th
- Comps orientation event before comps
Possibly the 1st week of March
- Bowling/Karaoke event
- ALA collaboration – Resume workshop
Will be scheduled after comps. Chelsey will look in her gigantic binder for people to contact and schedule a time.
- Hap-“pie” Hour at Ramsey’s – Friday the 18th from 4-7
Sara mentioned the Young Library workshop “Libraries and Copyright” which should be good, get more information on it from Young library’s website