Sunday, March 10, 2013

Library and Information Science Student Organization (LISSO)
University of Kentucky

Meeting Minutes: March 7, 2013

Officers present: Justin Conder, Mercedes Hopewell, Jessica Herrington, Kacey Kelm, Daniel Ness, Desiree Perry
Total present: 6
Call to open: 5:10pm EST

There was no agenda distributed for this meeting.

New Faculty Advisor:
With the recent news that Dr. Bishop will be leaving the employment of UK this semester, LISSO is currently without a faculty advisor, which is necessary to remain in good standing with UK. In an effort to find a replacement, most officers will be attending the beginning of the SLIS faculty meeting on March 8, 2013 at 9:30 am EST. Justin will not be attending because of a previous professional obligation.

Daniel will be our main speaker, as we will only have around 5 minutes to make our argument to the faculty. Several points we wish to highlight include the unique social purpose of LISSO, our consistent numbers of attendees at planned events, and the benefit of having university status, which allows us to use university resources and space.

With recent concerns over faculty representation, the T-shirt contest has been postponed. Our new deadline for design submissions will be March 20th, the Wednesday immediately following Spring Break. Voting will then open for the following week, until March 27th.

There will be a small LISSO officers meeting on March 18th, following Spring Break, in order to check the online store setup and format, as well as finalize details for ordering.

Upcoming Events:
Our event this month will be bowling and karaoke on March 22nd, beginning at 7pm EST. We are hoping to heavily promote the event through email, while simplifying the RSVP count into a single button if attending. We plan to reserve 2 or 3 lanes for those wishing to bowl, but would like a estimated count of the numbers to expect. Advertising will also emphasize that the event will be the Friday immediately following the portfolio deadline for those graduating this May.

SLIS will be planning a group travel to the 2013 KPLA Conference on April 8-10, 2013. Mercedes is the current organizer and will be available to car-pool those who may need rides. This would be an excellent chance for students gain conference experience within a structured group, and the group even plans to eat lunch together during each of the conference days, in order to discuss conference topics and experiences. Registration for the conference is $45 for students. Please join the Facebook group ( for further details.

The Spring Graduation Cookout is currently being planned and Dr. O’Connor is being contacted about possible dates toward the end of April. A “save the date” email will be sent out once a day and time have been confirmed, with additional information to be sent out later.

Since the cookout is likely to be moved into April, rather than in May as originally planned, it was proposed that we plan another event for May, such as an outdoors excursion or another Pazzo’s outing. This would be set for after finals. There will be further discussion in later meetings.

Faculty Meeting Representatives:
As a reminder, the LISSO representatives for remaining Faculty Meetings during the Spring semester are:
April 5: Jessica
May 3: Daniel

The next LISSO meeting will be April 4th at 5:00 pm EST in the McConnell Center, on the 3rd floor of Little Library.

Call to close: 5:55pm EST


UK SLIS Faculty Meeting

March 8, 2013

LISSO Representative: Jessica Herrington

LISSO officers asked that any interested faculty contact them about the available faculty advisor position.

There are currently 205 returning or entering students for Fall 2013, as well as 51 additional applications in progress.

The new Student Affairs Coordinator will begin work on Monday.

Faculty raised several concerns about graduation portfolio guidelines and policies. It was suggested they add more explanation to the list of suggested artifacts for the exiting portfolio, including substitutions from alternative course structures in past years.

Current and future students will be made aware that they should keep separate copies of all portfolio artifacts throughout the program in preparation for the exiting portfolio. Core course syllabi should remind students to keep their relevant files for future portfolio use. Old Blackboard shells can be resurrected at later dates, but the process can be very long and difficult, especially when instructors leave the employ of UK.

Another concern for faculty advisors was that students need to submit completed drafts of their portfolio pieces for honest and effective feedback. Notes and incomplete drafts are difficult to respond to.

A final issue is graduating students who are taking a core course during their final semester, which often means they are missing one or several artifacts from those courses. It has been decided that beginning Spring 2014, students will no longer be allowed to graduate with an exiting portfolio in the same semester in which they are taking a core course. Students graduating in December of 2013 will be the last group allowed to do so.