Monday, April 9, 2012

April 2012 Minutes

Library and Information Science Student Organization (LISSO)

University of Kentucky

Meeting Minutes: April 2, 2012
Officers present: Debbi Lloyd, Ida Sell, Heather Burke, Wade Bishop, Mercedes Hopewell

Total present: 6

Call to open: 4:36pm EST

An agenda was distributed to those present. The president sent out the agenda to the officers prior to the meeting for approval.

First up for discussion was the T-Shirt fundraiser for this year. We finalized which designs from the competition we are using (Ida Sell and Mercedes Hopewell's designs were chosen, and we will be reprinting the "Banned" shirt from previous semesters.), and are awaiting the proofs from the printer. After receiving proofs, we can then use the artwork to show SLIS students and faculty the available options and begin to take orders. We have just received approval to sell on campus.

We specifically requested color proofs from Central Screen printing. The T-shirt colors will be as follows: Black print on heather gray for Ida’s “Yeah, we socialize,” and white print on black for Mercedes’ book logo. The “I’m with the Banned” will be white on blue. We went with solid rather than multicolor text. The Treasurer will use the art proofs to show people options on Google Merchant.

The end of the semester party at Dr. O'Connor's home is steadily approaching. We will be providing refreshments and meat/vegetarian option for the event. Jason Boczar, our communications officer, is working on a survey for RSVPing and to determine who will be coming, their guests, meat options, and what they might be bringing.

The President introduced an item not on the agenda next, which is that we have a winner for the leadership award (Julie Vanhoose). There were 36 responses overall. Lousetta Carlson will prepare a plaque for Ms. Vanhoose, and we will contact her regarding her presence at the Spring awards banquet on April 27th. We also may encourage attendance for the awards banquet on Facebook . The last day to register is April 19th. The reception is at 6pm EST and dinner at 6:45pm EST.

Open officer positions: Jason Boczar will be graduating in August and Mary and Ida in December, so we will need to entertain nominations for new officers. The officers have agreed to transition out over the summer to ease the new officers into their roles. By fall, we will have additional positions open. The officers who will be leaving will email the listserv with a short description of their titles and duties. Those interested will email us about the position they want to run for, and if there is more than one, we will hold an election. The only position that needs to be available on campus in person is president. We are entertaining the possibility of using AdobeConnect for meetings to support this. There would still need to be ability to cover for president in case of illness, emergency, etc.

Dr. Bishop mentioned concern over the length of the email, but the president assured him that it will be concise as we can redirect them to our constitution on the Student Center website. We will also try and contact the face-to-face professors for this semester/next Fall to see if we can present to the class. Dr. Bishop would like us to notify when these dates will be. Ida Sell asked about the possibility of doing a combined open officer list with the other organizations, as we are always striving to be inclusive.

Next on the agenda was our Facebook page: Is there something we can do to increase traffic? Options outside Facebook were discussed as alternatives: Dr. Bishop suggested a Blackboard for the organization, and the president agreed and hopes to pursue it this Summer to have ready to beta by Fall. Mercedes also suggested Group Spaces, which is more exclusive than Facebook and would send members an email every time there was an update as well as allow them to customize what types of information they want to receive. Blackboard could also accomplish this, and since all SLIS students are LISSO members, our board would be auto-loaded on their dashboard. We may then retire our blog due to inactivity.

Those present moved to events for the beginning of next Fall: There is an all-SLIS organizations Ice Cream social in the planning stage for next August. Locations suggested for the event were Woodland Park or some large space on campus. We will need to collaborate further with SAA, SLA, and ALA regarding their participations and thoughts on the event.

There was then a discussion of our organization's culture, i.e., what values we in LISSO strive to promote and maintain. The following values came up in comments several times: inclusivity, social engagement, leadership, collaboration, and inspiring positivity. We hope to plan all our events to that end.

As for this Summer, while no official events are planned, there may be a possible end of Summer cookout in the park (maybe with other SLIS organizations). The president will send out an email about this and perhaps institute an end-of-Summer meeting (most likely in July) for planning. There would be less paperwork to fill out and better parking off campus, so we may try to reserve the pavilion at Woodland Park for this and similar future events.

We maintained good funds this semester because most events were not money intensive. In addition, we will soon have funds coming in from T-Shirt sales and are therefore in a good place financially to throw an off-campus event.
Fall orientation is another event we need to plan for coming up next year. It is important that LISSO have a string presence with incoming SLIS students. We will discuss the orientation further at the next meeting.

Our next meeting will be May 7, 2012 at 4:30 PM EST in the SLIS Conference Room (314).

The President closed the meeting at 5:19pm EST.

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