Wednesday, November 4, 2015

November Updates and Upcoming LISSO events

Hi all LISSOers!

I hope you're having a wonderful November! I just scheduled for classes next semester and I'm pretty excited about taking Oral History. Yay.

We had a great time at Pick-It-Up and will put the funds earned to good use for ALA/LISSO stuff.

Here are some updates:

If you're local and interested we will be meeting on Saturday, 11/14 at 2:30 for a tour of the Central library!  Maybe I'll pay my overdue fines while I'm there.

This month the theme for book club is GRAPHIC NOVELS! We will meet on at 7:00pm on December 3rd at Josie's in Chevy Chase for our meeting-- as always, you are welcome to post on the book club blog about what you a reading. It is fun, I swear!

Feel free to email with any questions!

Keep your eyes peeled for holiday party and book exchange updates!



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